Elena Isabella | A Scottsdale, GA Newborn Session

Welcome to the world Elena!

“Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother” – This sign hangs in Elena’a nursery and is so fitting of motherly love. Elena was born on April 20th and in Greg and Aly’s arms 5 days later. Elena is the sweetest blessing to this family after waiting on God’s timing to answer their prayers for a baby.

Keep Reading to hear more about Aly and Greg’s story…

Aly and Greg received an infertility diagnosis in the spring of 2018 and quickly decided that adoption was the path they wanted to pursue to grow their family. Their adoption journey was anything but easy, having experienced 3 failed matches. But on April 24th they received the phone call they had been waiting nearly a year for – a little girl had been born on April 20th and her family had made the selfless decision to place her for adoption. This little girl, Elena Isabella, was their daughter if they wanted. They immediately raced to Florida and Elena was placed in their arms on April 25th. Although their past year had been filled with many highs and lows, they can see how each step led them to their daughter, and how each heartache was preparing them for the joy they now feel. They are so very blessed and so appreciative that her birth family picked them to parent Elena.

How adorable is she sleeping with her hand under her chin!

These two are such naturals!

Elena, you are so loved baby girl!

-Love, Cally

  1. Liz says:

    Beautiful! Love seeing adoption stories!

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