Molly Anderson – Marietta Newborn Session

Rachael and Matt welcomed their rainbow baby and little blessing, Molly, to the world on St. Patricks Day and she is just the sweetest thing, along with her big sis Ruthie. While the thought of fruit snacks were the main motivation for Ruthie wanting to hold her baby sister, I know these two will be the best of friends one day!

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy and letting me capture these precious moments as a new family of four!

The more time goes by of us living in Marietta, the more I realize how so many people in this town are connected. It was fun to find out that Rachael also graduated from Samford University and was just a few years ahead of me and actually grew up down the street in the same neighborhood we live in now, plus we have tons of friends in common!

Another fun fact: Ruthie got “married” in Preschool last year to the cutest little boy Jack, whose family goes to church with us and I did a family session for this past fall. It’s so great to see how connected everyone is.

Scroll through to see some of my favorites from their session.

That little smile is contagious!

Sweet baby Molly!

I tried several times to capture a photo of just Ruthie by herself but she didn’t like having the attention all on her. I was, however, able to catch this photo while she was caught up in the joy of her fruit snacks and talking about Jack!

Thanks for letting me capture your family, Matt and Rachael!

Love, Cally

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