Pintxos | Whipped Goat Cheese with Prosciutto and Fresh Basil

Pintxos (Peen-chos). A basque style of tapas, which was one of our favorite things to eat when we visited Spain, can easily be recreated at home and will become everyone’s favorite dish.  If your having company over and want an easy appetizer that looks fancy and tastes delicious, then this recipe is for you!

The combination of ingredients gives off a feel of an upscale appetizer and the sprinkle of basil makes the taste so fresh. Your guests will love it!


  • 1 loaf of French Bread
  • 1 package of Prosciutto
  • Fresh Basil
  • Tomatoes on the vine, diced
  • 4 oz Goat Cheese
  • A dollop or two of Sour Cream
  • Olive Oil



  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Set the goat cheese and sour cream out to get to room temperature.
  2. Slice the french bread into 1/4 inch slices and brush each side with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake until slightly golden brown (about 5-10 minutes).
  3. While the bread is baking, use a hand mixer or whisk to beat the goat cheese and 2 spoon fulls of sour cream until smooth.
  4. Spread the whipped goat cheese over each piece of bread and top with prosciutto, diced tomatoes, and fresh basil (the fresh basil is key)
  5. Pop them back in the oven for a minute to warm them up right before serving


If you aren’t a fan of goat cheese, try switching it up for Mozzarella or another favorite soft cheese.


Love, Cally

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